We cannot solve the problem of our time unless we solve them together, unless we perfect our understanding that we may have different stories but common hope, that we may not look the same. We may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction- towards a great future for ourselves, our children, and the generation unborn.
This conviction comes from burning desires demonstrated by young Africans towards greatness, but more from the bitterness in the face of we- young Africans each time we realize the gap between the numerous opportunities technology provides for greatness and the limitations posed by the high level of Technological under-development
Therefore, there is a need to make sincere efforts toward bridging this Gap.
This is what gave birth so Tech Affairs Community and why we exist up to this very moment.
In actualizing this Vision, you are critical to us. So, thank you for being here, and welcome to the community.
Tech Affairs Nigeria is a community of people passionate and skilled in various areas of ICT coming together to provide technological solutions to people, society, businesses, and the government at large. As a social enterprise, TechAffairs community focus on sustainable development goals SDGs8 (Decent work and Economic Growth), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 10 (Reduced Inequalities)…